Bridges will be into place Barnhart Crane.

The area where the Capitol Avenue Bridge stood on Route 8/25 in Bridgeport is now empty. On Thursday, June 16, 2016 two bridges will be hauled to highway and put into place over Capitol Avenue and Lindley Street.

The area where the Capitol Avenue Bridge stood on Route 8/25 in Bridgeport is now empty. On Thursday, June 16, 2016 two bridges will be hauled to highway and put into place over Capitol Avenue and Lindley Street.


For several months, workers have built four “prefabricated bridge units” in an area off Route 8/25 northbound Exit 5 in Bridgeport.


Demolition of the Lindley Street and Capitol Avenue bridges on Route 8/25 in Bridgeport began on Saturday, June 12, 2016.


Demolition of the Lindley Street and Capitol Avenue bridges on Route 8/25 in Bridgeport began on Saturday, June 12, 2016.

Demolition of the Lindley Street and Capitol Avenue bridges on Route 8/25 in Bridgeport began on Saturday, June 12, 2016.

Demolition of the Lindley Street and Capitol Avenue bridges on Route 8/25 in Bridgeport began on Saturday, June 12, 2016.


Image 7/10 Demolition of the Lindley Street and Capitol Avenue bridges on Route 8/25 in Bridgeport began on Saturday, June 12, 2016.


Demolition of the Lindley Street and Capitol Avenue bridges on Route 8/25 in Bridgeport began on Saturday, June 12, 2016. They are being replaced with “prefabricated bridge units” that will reduced the construction time from two years to one summer.







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